Who We Are

We are a family with backyard chickens

We want to share our ideas and experiences and hope to learn from others.

I first considered owning chickens when I visited a friend. His daughters had chickens that were raised as a school project. He explained to me how easy it is to care for chickens, so I thought, why not. It sure would be nice to have a constant source of fresh eggs. So I took a dog house from the back yard that wasn’t being used and converted it into a chicken coop. I then purchased 4 Easter Egger pullets from a local breeder. 

Later, I learned that the breeder I purchased my chickens from was going out of business and selling off her chickens. I then decided to purchase a rooster from her so that I can breed my own chickens. The rooster is a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana.

Some time passed and I lost my hens to a dog attack. I didn’t want my rooster to be alone, so I bought some hens from a local farm. A Black Australorp, a Buff Orpington, a Rhode Island Red and a Rhode Island White.

I built a bigger more secure coop and decided to buy some Ameraucana chicks . I used a dog crate as a brooder until they were old enough to be kept outdoors. Then I kept them in a coop bought from Tractor Supply.